Our philosophy and the main idea
Goalton is the powerful set of tools for anyone who wants to achieve goals.
We create Goalton to help you or your team to be successful in your projects. Many people try to reach the success in their personal or business projects, but many of them cannot. Why? In our opinion there are 2 reasons.
First is the lack of knowledge how to define the goal - how to clearly understand what is your goal, from which parts it consists of. When we dream about something we often see only uncertain aim, general vision of our idea. The very good tool in this case is brainstorming and mindmaping. Mind map allows you to organize your ideas or complex problems into visual scheme. At the same time mind map is powerful way to communicate with other people, so you can discuss every point of your goal and go deeper levels if needed. That is why mind map is the first tool provided by Goalton. Mindmapping tool should be very easy in use, so in Goalton we keep it as simple as possible.
In Goalton midmap you can drag and drop any part of your idea and rearrange items as many times as your thoughts free flow, until you'll get perfect and clear structure of the goal or project. Here you can use different colors for coding important aspects, or you can use different formats to highlight essential points.

After you sketched out your main idea you should refine it. We recommend to use focus mode of Goalton mind map to specify precise key points. In other words you should make a decomposition of a project into smaller components. Scientists call this approach as work breakdown structure - a hierarchical tree of the total scope of work to be carried by the project team. It is better to define WBS elements in terms of outcomes or results, not actions.
Break each task to the micro-level at which it becomes simple and elementary. This is equally true for projects with which you already had in the past, and for brand new tasks. Often people do not start something new, because they don't know how to do it. The force of decomposition is that it firstly enables you to clearly understand exactly where the problem or lack of knowledge, and secondly with sufficient fragmentation into small components, the subtasks become so elementary that it is impossible not to find a solution. So split them!
A well-designed decomposition makes it easy to assign each project activity or item to one of your teammates. In this case it is comfortably to switch to the Outliner view of Goalton.
The most powerful feature of Goalton is the ability to switch between views. You can start your work in mindmap mode and then effortlessly switch to the outliner mode with one click. There is no other software in the world that make it so easy.
In outliner view you can assign responsible person, set deadline or even set stage and priority of the task. Outliner mode is very handy when you work with big structured projects or big text like book or article. Here you can use focus mode as well to concentrate on the specific part of the goal or project.

The second big problem is implementing your plan. There is no the only right way. Everyone of us has its own unique mentality and habits. Different projects requires different methods to get things done. Therefore Goalton provides several methods to control your productivity. The first of them is weekly planner. This mode is very similar to ordinary paper planner with all its benefits - clarity and visibility. Here you can see all tasks related to the chosen projects - you can move them, assign to the teammates or mark them as completed. It's amazing how the usage of Goalton's weekly planer will boost your productivity in several times.

Control your progress! You can use simple or complex tools, different reports and forms – it will give you a different level of detail and convenience. But even if you use just a notebook and pen and regular cross out completed – you will progress. It's amazing – but everything you control becomes better.
But remember that it is impossible to progress constantly. This principle does not contradict the previous one, but rather complements it. We should not feel discouraged if after two or three weeks of growth, suddenly you find yourself in the state of the local stagnation. This is normal. Any athlete not training all day. For professionals the rest phase is just as important as the training phase.
There is one more professional tool for tracking progress of your project. In Goalton you can use visual kanban boards. At its simplest, the board is usually divided into four sections: "awaiting for todo", "work in progress", "test" and "completed work". Goalton is very flexible thus you can change settings and add as many stages as needed for your project. In this view all tasks are represented as cards. You or your colleagues move cards to the section on the board that coincides with the stage it represents. Thus you can visualize your workflow and clear understand the current status of each deal, for example.

The workflow mode is ideal as repeatable pattern of business activity. Boards are very popular as in addition to the priority and importance of the task, many tasks are performed in sequence.
The concept of workflow is closely related to process and can be viewed as defined sequence of tasks. Workflows are very popular in many industries
One of the very efficient method of implementing workflow board is SCRUM. Scrum was created by software developers, but it works in other projects as well. In fact, this approach combines the previous two principles. You first make a list of priorities, and then in turn implement them, thus to fit into certain time intervals, called sprints.
This approach is well suited to solve problem of inability to make constantly progress about which we spoke earlier. This approach equally applied and sportsmen and businessmen. Progress during the sprint, and between them – relax. Here is the key to success. You just alternate phases of activity and rest. Even the very popular Pomodoro technique actually professes the principle of phase alternation.

It is difficult to find a project outside of a business. And no business in which no deals are made. Thus Goalton has very strong deals & CRM mode. Our philosophy is to bring you the most convenient set of tools. In deals mode you can keep all your leads and project contacts. You can easily see all open deals for certain time period, check their status or even see them on the workflow board.
Only in Goalton you can easily identify the phases where deals are accumulated and need your attention. You can define stages with the most amount and clear understand where is the money.
Also you will get statistic about won/lost deals for each month and many other cool feature. We develop Goalton as the best goal & task management software and improve it every day to make your work easy and effective and projects are successful. Join us today and achieve all your goals, let the success be in your life!